SB18/EXO7 Mathematical simulations and observations of gas-dust environment in planets, small bodies and protoplanetary disks. (co-organized) |
Convener: Stavro Lambrov Ivanovski | Co-conveners: Vincenzo Della Corte , Alessandra Rotundi , Vladimir Zakharov |
Oral programme
/ Wed, 19 Sep, 10:45–12:30
/ Room Venus
Poster programme
/ Attendance Wed, 19 Sep, 16:15–18:00
This session will include results of the on-going modelling/analysis of different astrophysical phenomena:
(i) dusty cometary atmosphere; (ii) volcanic activity on icy satellites such as Enceladus and Io; (iii) evolution of protoplanetary disks; (iv) planetary bodies formation, via e.g. pebbles growth, and planetesimals dynamics.
Abstracts are solicited relevant to any aspect of the above described studies and modelling.