European Planetary Science Congress 2018
16–21 September 2018
TU Berlin | Berlin | Germany


Lunar Volatiles
Convener: Kathleen Mandt  | Co-conveners: Olivier Mousis , Wes Patterson , Elliot Sefton-Nash 
Oral programme
 / Tue, 18 Sep, 10:45–12:30  / Room Venus
Poster programme
 / Attendance Tue, 18 Sep, 18:15–20:00  / Display Tue, 18 Sep, 08:00–20:00  / Poster area

The abundance, distribution, history and transport of volatiles on the Moon are important topics for Lunar science and exploration. Several missions have been flown or are being planned to address questions related to Lunar volatiles. This session would invite presentations related to the advancement in understand of volatiles on the Moon through data analysis, modeling, and laboratory studies as well as plans for future missions.