Ice Giant System Exploration
Leigh Fletcher
Wed, 21 Sep, 12:00–13:30 (CEST)|Room Splinter Sala de Prensa
Public information:
A Uranus Orbiter with probe has been recommended as the top priority flagship-class mission by the US planetary science decadal survey (2022), aiming to make use of Jupiter gravity assist trajectories in the mid-2030s. ESA’s Voyage-2050 strategy (2021) also recommended that international partnership missions would provide a key mechanism for European participation in the exploration of the Ice Giants. This community meeting provides a forum to discuss the decadal survey recommendations, and to consider the challenges ahead for realising this ambitious partnership.
The provisional schedule is as follows:
- 12:00-12:10 Welcome and UOP Overview (Leigh Fletcher)
- 12:10-12:20 Comments on the NASA Decadal Response (Mark Hofstadter)
- 12:20-12:30 July Probe Meeting (Kathy Mandt)
- 12:30-12:40 European probes (Olivier Mousis)
- 12:40-13:00 Open Floor (All)
Please note that room capacity is limited to 50 people and will be strictly enforced.