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MITM12 | Advancements in Asteroid Resource Exploration and Utilization: From Laboratory to Mining Mission Concepts


Advancements in Asteroid Resource Exploration and Utilization: From Laboratory to Mining Mission Concepts
Convener: Xiaojing Zhang | Co-conveners: Yang Yu, Xian Shi
As our reliance on space resources grows, asteroids present a promising frontier rich in valuable materials. From rare metals to potential sources of fuel, unlocking the secrets of asteroids holds the key to addressing future resource challenges and facilitating sustainable space exploration. Now more than ever, the convergence of new laboratory studies, technological developments, modeling efforts, and asteroid mining mission concepts demands our collective attention. The rapid pace of technological innovation, coupled with the surge in international interest and collaborative initiatives, underscores the urgency of discussing and advancing this work.
This dedicated session serves as a dynamic forum for presenting and discussing the latest breakthroughs in laboratory studies, technological innovations, modeling endeavors, and diverse research efforts crucial for the exploration and sustainable utilization of asteroid resources.
Key Focus Areas:

1. Laboratory Studies: Delve into the microscopic world of asteroids through innovative laboratory studies. Explore mineralogical compositions, understand physical properties, and analyze extraterrestrial materials, laying the groundwork for future space endeavors.
2. Technological Developments: Unveil the latest advancements in asteroid exploration technologies. From state-of-the-art instrumentation to revolutionary propulsion systems, discover how technology is shaping the future of asteroid resource utilization.
3. Modeling Work: Peer into the theoretical realms of asteroid dynamics and behavior. Presentations on orbital dynamics, trajectory optimization, and economic modeling will provide insights into the intricate dance of asteroids in our solar system.
4. Asteroid Mining Mission Concepts: Engage with experts in asteroid mining mission concept studies. Explore the feasibility, challenges, and potential of extracting resources from asteroids, paving the way for a new era in space resource utilization.
5. Interdisciplinary Contributions: Beyond the traditional domains, welcome contributions from diverse fields such as ethics, international collaboration, legal frameworks, and public engagement. Understand the broader implications and responsibilities associated with asteroid resource utilization.
We welcome experts, researchers, and industry professionals to deliberate on the state of the art, share insights, and forge collaborations that will shape the trajectory of asteroid resource utilization in the coming years.