SMW1 | Future of drones in planetary science - white paper compilation


Future of drones in planetary science - white paper compilation
Convener: Akos Kereszturi | Co-convener: Gian Gabriele Ori
Thu, 12 Sep, 14:30–16:00 (CEST), 18:00–19:30 (CEST)|Room Venus (Konferenzraum II)
Thu, 14:30
Drone based research capabilities and future plans for Mars, Titan, Venus and Earth analogues are growing fast. The aim of theis session is to provide a strategic overvew of future drone based exploration beyond the Earth, using current activities, and expected capabilities in the near future - in the format of a white paper. All contributions are welcomed before (14:30) and after (18:00) the MITM9 drone session on Thursday.