SMW16 | IOPW Meeting


IOPW Meeting
Convener: Ricardo Hueso | Co-convener: Glenn Orton
Tue, 10 Sep, 18:00–19:30 (CEST)|Room Venus (Konferenzraum II)
Tue, 18:00
The International Outer Planets Watch is an informal organization coordinating observations of the Solar System Outer Planet Systems. The workshop will host short presentations of scientific themes not accomodated on the oral and poster sessions. The list of topics includes: Jupiter observations and Juno observational support. Saturn observations from the ground. Observations of Uranus and Neptune. Model simulations of atmospheric dynamics of Jupiter/Saturn. If you are willing to provide some topics for presentations/discussions over the workshop please e-mail Ricardo Hueso ( with a title and an estimation of time required for your presentation.

Discussion on current amateur observations of the Giant planets from Jupiter to Neptune are welcomed and encouraged.

IOPW Atmospheres Splinter meeting program

18:00 – 18:02: Welcome and introduction
18:02 – 18:15: Glenn S. Orton: Ongoing and emerging observations of outer-planet atmospheres from Jupiter to the Ice Giants
18:15 – 18:30: John H. Rogers: Present state of Jupiter's atmosphere from amateur images
18:30 – 18:45: Gerald Eischstaed: Counter-rotation in Jupiter's northern CPCs, observations by JunoCam and 2D simulation
18:45 – 18:55: Marc Delcroix: Status of amateur search for impacts on Jupiter 
 18-55 – 19:10: Agustín Sánchez-Lavega: Saturn’s cloud morphology and motions of mean features from 2021 to 2024
19:10 – 19:25: Tristan Guillot: On the importance of clouds in giant planets: From Juno to a future Uranus mission
19:25 – 19:30: Leigh N. Fletcher: Presenting Planet Mapper: A general purpose mapping tool on Python