Earthquake seismology applied: What’s needed for managing the many facets of risk
Conveners: Jochen Woessner , Warner Marzocchi 
Oral program
 / Wed, 07 Sep, 14:30–17:30  / Room Oceania C
Poster program
 / Attendance Wed, 07 Sep, 10:30–11:30  / Poster area

This session aims to connect professionals in risk management from governments, industry and academia to present which aspects of earthquake seismology are currently used, which aspects could be used if accessible, and where more quantitative characterization and data can actually advance today’s risk analyses. We specifically encourage practitioners to show the academic community how and what parts of scientific results, from well agreed to latest results, can be used in building seismic risk models when only a qualitative picture is needed. For example, how are results, often described as a probability density function, reduced to point estimates, or how are joint probabilities along lifelines dealt with? What techniques are used to perform such decisions and where are improvements needed?

We invite contributions that address such questions for the entire range of earthquake seismology data and products: From characterizing hypocenter locations to estimating probabilities of fault displacements, from assessing strain and slip rates from GPS measurements to surface deformation probabilities of an event, from estimating ground shaking to defining liquefaction or landslide probabilities. What are the challenges with the current earthquake seismology products when applying to decision-making procedures or risk assessment – and what is needed in addition? We welcome underwriters, actuaries (or science support team thereof), investors (in catastrophe bonds), members of teams of urban resiliency officers, emergency managers, engineers to elaborate on this in their application contexts.

We encourage the presentation of actual processes or case studies where a need for more earthquake science was identified, or success stories where the need was met and integrated into a strategy or process. What format was used to transfer science information? We also welcome members of the academic community to present new datasets formerly not available, which they think could start playing a major role in any one of the many facets of risk management.