Session 6 | Big data science in hydrological research

Session 6

Big data science in hydrological research
Conveners: Ana Maria Tarquis, Ralf Kunkel
| Thu, 15 Jun, 09:00–10:15|Saints Marcellino and Festo
| Attendance Thu, 15 Jun, 10:45–11:30|Poster area
Orals |
Thu, 09:00
Thu, 10:45
In the past decade, hydrological and critical zone observatories have been established that produce massive amounts of data for a range of critical zone processes. As it remains challenging to analyze such data sets, we solicit submissions that present novel strategies to support critical zone studies in the light of big data.

Invited speaker: Steffen Zacharias, Germany (

Orals: Thu, 15 Jun | Saints Marcellino and Festo

Chairpersons: Ralf Kunkel, Ana Maria Tarquis
Keynote presentation
Global and Open Data
Machine Learning & Scaling Issues
Yijian Zeng et al.