10th International Conference on Geomorphology
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Mass wasting processes within the Glafkos gorge, Achaia, Western Greece

Aggelos-Leandros Vgenopoulos, Ioannis Koukouvelas, George D. Bathrellos, Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos, and Hariklia D. Skilodimou
Aggelos-Leandros Vgenopoulos et al.
  • University of Patras, Department of Geology, Greece (gbathrellos@upatras.gr)

Landslide occurrences are physical phenomena that occur worldwide and contribute to the evolution of Earth’s landscape. Their associated consequences can lead to the damage of both the natural and man-made environment. Glafkos Stream originates from the Panachaikon mountains and draining into the Gulf of Patras. It flows from Southeast to Northwest in the Northwest Peloponnesus. This area is considered among the most active tectonic region of the world characterized by significant uplift over the recent period. Moreover, landslide events have occurred many times in this area and have repeatedly caused serious damage at sections of the settlements and at the road network.

The scope of the present study is to examine the landslides across the Glafkos Stream. A number of 34 landslides were studied. The causative and triggering parameters of landslides, the landslides repeatability and reactivation were examined. Additionally, the relation between landslides and faults were studied.

How to cite: Vgenopoulos, A.-L., Koukouvelas, I., Bathrellos, G. D., Nikolakopoulos, K., and Skilodimou, H. D.: Mass wasting processes within the Glafkos gorge, Achaia, Western Greece, 10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal, 12–16 Sep 2022, ICG2022-546, https://doi.org/10.5194/icg2022-546, 2022.