Session I

Limited understanding of physical, chemical, and biological processes and interactions
Convener: Sebastian Sonntag 
Oral and Poster Programme
Talks  / Mon, 23 Sep, 10:00–11:16  / Room Lecture Hall H2 Geomatikum
Posters  / Mon, 23 Sep, 11:20–13:00  / Poster Area Geomatikum

Limited understanding of processes and interactions in the Earth system leads to uncertainties, which need to be identified and - if possible - also quantified. Many contributions in this session already make clear that often a combination of several disciplines is crucial to shed light on incompletely understood natural processes and interactions. Here, we would like to bring people working in different fields in the natural sciences even closer together in order to jointly contribute to a better understanding of uncertainties in Earth system science.

The contributions in this session address physical, chemical, and biological processes in different parts of the Earth system as well as interactions among these parts. The diversity of topics presented in this session is immense, with processes from ice sheet dynamics to wildfires, with locations from the stratosphere to the sea floor, with global studies as well as regional studies ranging from polar to tropical regions, across atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere. Involved disciplines include climate and atmospheric science, oceanography, biogeochemistry, and biology. Also methodologically, contributions in this session are diverse, with examples from model, observational, and also laboratory experiment studies.