Session IV

Innovative presentation formats
Convener: Sebastian Sonntag 
Oral and Poster Programme
Talks  / Tue, 24 Sep, 14:00–15:55  / Room Lecture Hall H2 Geomatikum
Posters  / Tue, 24 Sep, 15:55–17:00  / Poster Area Geomatikum

Presentations that are usually performed during meetings and conferences feature a more or less pre-defined linear structure. Sometimes, even very important scientific results can look rather boring and meaningless. There is therefore a need to present scientific work in a more stimulating fashion. Furthermore, the increasing multidisciplinarity in the science-policy-society interface makes it absolutely necessary that colleagues from other fields really listen and understand each other - and get at least the core of the message. This requires presentations to be easy to understand and interactive.

The innovative presentations offer the possibility to communicate scientific results in a professional yet exciting way.

What exactly is innovative? Something new, creative, original and special. Three possibilities of innovative presentation styles were suggested to the participants of ICYESS 2013: (1) twin talks where one presents the results of a colleague and vice versa; (2) PechaKucha, a fast-paced and engaging style that makes presentations concise and keeps things moving at a rapid pace; and (3) non-linear presentations, which make use of a virtual map on which the content is presented by zooming in and out.

We believe that the ICYESS 2013 is an ideal platform to break new ground in terms of innovative science communication.