Session II

Uncertainties in the context of Earth system governance
Convener: Sebastian Sonntag 
Oral and Poster Programme
Talks  / Mon, 23 Sep, 17:15–18:40  / Room Lecture Hall H2 Geomatikum
Posters  / Mon, 23 Sep, 18:40–19:45  / Poster Area Geomatikum

Earth system governance encompasses a wide range of societal responses to global environmental problems. The concept describes public as well as private activities at various societal scales that are intended to mitigate anthropogenic pressure on (different parts of) the Earth system or to adapt to the consequences of its transformation, e.g. changed climatic conditions. In the social sciences, it is used to analyse the reactions of societies to changes in their surrounding environment and to find solutions for sustainable governance of natural resources. Different kinds of uncertainties are one of the central issues Earth system governance research deals with.

This session brings together diverse perspectives and approaches towards Earth system governance. Besides climate change mitigation and adaptation on various societal scales, presentations focus on maritime sustainability (problems) and management of global environmental problems in general. Moreover, the session includes both scientific analyses of as well as for societal responses, and research using diverse methods – from economic modelling to qualitative observations. This multitude of perspectives and approaches, we think, is very fruitful to elucidate ways of dealing with uncertainty. Especially, we see the potential of cooperation and learning from each other in order to reduce scientific uncertainties and to increase the value and quality of our research.

This session is endorsed by the Earth System Governance Project.