Session V

Uncertainties in environmental impacts, their perception and communication
Convener: Sebastian Sonntag 
Oral and Poster Programme
Talks  / Wed, 25 Sep, 14:00–14:52  / Room Lecture Hall H2 Geomatikum
Posters  / Wed, 25 Sep, 14:55–16:00  / Poster Area Geomatikum

Interactions between ecosystems and social system are complex, and the understanding of feedbacks between the two systems if of high interest for the understanding of environmental changes.

This session provides different perspectives, approaches and methods for exploring environmental impacts, their perception and communication and addresses related uncertainties.

Firstly, this session addresses various impacts of environmental changes on ecosystems and social systems, and covers the limited understanding of and the societal response to these impacts. The presentations focus on adaptive river and forest management, ecosystem services, desertification and erosion, forced migration and displacement.

Secondly, the participants provide different approaches for studying the communication and perception of Earth system science and environmental risks. The presentations address various issues of what humans know about environmental changes, how they perceive environmental risks, and how knowledge and perception influence their valuing and management of the Earth system.

We think that the diversity of presentations will help to increase the understanding of complex human-environmental interactions in the Anthroposphere and provides valuable input for the discussion within the poster session afterwards.