General Remote Sensing
Convener: B.J. Sohn 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 06 Aug, 11:30–12:30  / Room Domus Variabilis
 / Mon, 06 Aug, 15:15–18:30  / Room Cambridge
 / Wed, 08 Aug, 11:00–12:30  / Room Domus Variabilis
 / Wed, 08 Aug, 14:00–16:00  / Room Cambridge
 / Thu, 09 Aug, 10:45–12:30  / Room Domus Variabilis
 / Thu, 09 Aug, 14:00–16:00  / Room Cambridge
 / Fri, 10 Aug, 09:30–13:00  / Room Domus Variabilis
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 08 Aug, 16:30–18:15  / Display Wed, 08 Aug, 09:00–19:00  / Poster Hall

Advanced remote sensing measurement systems are being employed for observing a wide variety of geophysical variables from ground-, aircraft-, and satellite-based platforms. These enable a wide range of research and operational applications including retrievals of the state of the atmosphere-surface system, depiction of atmospheric dynamics at various scales, and atmospheric composition and air quality. The evolving capabilities to make observations with increasing spatial resolutions and coverage and with increasing spectral resolution help to improve scientific understanding of physical processes. This in turn should lead to improved predictive capabilities for these geophysical parameters. Abstracts are solicited on the following general remote sensing topics:
• observations of atmospheric state and atmospheric composition
• methods for retrieving geophysical parameters, pertaining error analysis methodology, and the influence of a priori information
• remote sensing data fusion (multi-sensor, multi-platform, passive & active), and the impact on information content
• analysis of methods using the spectral, angular, temporal and polarization radiation characteristics
• sounding of the troposphere, stratosphere, and upper non-LTE atmosphere
• multi-dimensional soundings, such as tomography and other approaches, and their evolution in time
• new measurement/instrument concepts and prototype demonstrations
• conclusive results from remote sensing experiment laboratory instruments: relevant measurements, instrument characterization and testing
• calibration techniques (spectral and radiometric) and spatial (co-)location techniques
• calibration reference systems, their realization and benefit to (global) remote sensing observations
• new remote sensing data sampling, processing, and compression methods
• measurement system validation (sensor & data products)
• research and operational applications demonstrating the enhanced value of remote sensing data.