
  • Agencia Estatal de Meteorología
  • CIMA Research Foundation
  • Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Innovació, Universitats I Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Consell Asesor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible
  • European Geosciences Union
  • European Science Foundation
  • FLASH project
  • Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Generalitat de Catalunya-Direcció General de Protecció Civil
  • Meteorological Service of Catalonia
  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación
  • University of Barcelona


Hydrological Processes and Modelling
Convener: E. Foufoula-Georgiou  | Co-Conveners: R. Deidda , P. Claps 

Research developments in hydrology benefit from interactions with sister disciplines and advances within a variety of fields (e.g.: climatology, meteorology, geomorphology, remote sensing, statistics, and informatics). Within this multidisciplinary framework, this session aims to collect contributions on research, application advances, and future needs in the understanding and modeling of surface and near-surface hydrological processes with special emphasis on the capability of describing extreme events.

Specifically, contributions focusing on hydrological processes and one or more of the following issues are particularly welcome:

• process conceptualization and modeling approaches at different spatial and temporal scales, including model parameter identification and calibration, and sensitivity analyses to parameterization and scales of process representation;
• physically and statistically based approaches to pre-process and/or downscale information from meteorological and climate models to spatial and temporal scales useful for hydrological models and applications;
• uncertainty in hydrological modeling, including data uncertainty assessments (e.g through experimental studies and field observations) as well as modeling approaches dealing with uncertainty in flood forecasting;
• prediction of extreme floods in poorly monitored basins;
• validation and intercomparison of hydrological models;
• advances in the management and dissemination of the hydrological information: multi-scale gridding, representation of outputs from hydrological models and/or meteo-hydrological ensemble systems, systems for data archiving and model feeding, platforms for hydrological data distribution.