Topic 6

Mesoscale Modelling, Data Assimilation and Operational Meteorological Forecasting
Conveners: Silvio Davolio , Agusti Jansa , Vassiliki Kotroni 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 03 Sep, 09:00–13:15  / Room Odysseus
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 03 Sep, 12:45–13:15  / Poster Area

This session welcomes contributions related to:

(a) meteorological modelling of mesoscale phenomena that affect the Mediterranean area and can be associated with severe weather and storms;
(b) predictability issues, ensemble forecasting and data assimilation systems in particular at convective scales;
(c) operational forecasting issues, including ensemble forecasting, data assimilation, data targeting and verification, with emphasis on applications in the Mediterranean region.

It is well known that operational weather forecasting in the short and medium range is affected by the inaccuracy and uncertainties associated with Numerical Weather Prediction models (e.g. model physics, parameterizations and initial conditions). This is especially relevant in the Mediterranean region where high-impact weather is expected and complex orography can force small-scale processes that are poorly predicted by the operational weather models. For this reason, novel aspects of research on model development and applications, including high-resolution short-range probabilistic forecasting, statistical downscaling, data targeting techniques, coupling between meteorological, hydrological and ocean models, data assimilation aspects, predictability issues and strategies in ensemble construction are welcome.

Applications of models to studies of meteorological phenomena like cyclogenesis, organized convection, heavy precipitation, orographic influences, and related processes are of particular interest of this session.