
Topic 6

Wind, waves and other Mediterranean storms of oceanic origin
Conveners: Luciana Bertotti , Jordi Salat 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 07 Sep, 18:15–19:30  / Room Sibilla
 / Thu, 08 Sep, 08:45–09:10  / Room Sibilla
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 08 Sep, 13:00–14:30  / Atrium

The Mediterranean basin area can be affected by heavy storms. The energy transactions involved in these storms may induce severe oceanic conditions, strong changes in water dynamics and impacts on the coast and on ecosystems both coastal and oceanic. Cold air from the north, after crossing the mountain ranges surrounding the Mediterranean, may strongly influence both the weather and sea conditions in the basin. Ocean convection, mixing and wind driven currents in the sea as well as cyclogenesis in the atmosphere are among the well known effects induced by such conditions. Stormy weather may cause heavy precipitation and strong winds at the sea surface, inducing high waves and wave currents, while crossing the whole basin. All these factors may have strong impact over coastal zones (harbours, coastal structures or beach dynamics) as well as in the open seas, causing serious damages to boats and ships. Marine storms have, then, relevant human impacts on the coastal zone (residence, trade, communications, leisure,…) and on activities related to the sea (navigation, fishing,…).

The topic of our session is devoted to the study and the knowledge of the weather and the sea conditions, that may affect the Mediterranean basin. Any contribution concerning the effect of stormy conditions over the sea and the coastal areas is encouraged. Special emphasis should be addressed to the definition and description of these conditions and their consequences on oceanic and atmospheric dynamics, as well as on population and on the coastal systems, both emerged and submerged. Studies on the vulnerability of those systems and the importance to prevent coastal hazards are also welcome. Studies on the variability of the storms at climatic scale or changes in intensity associated to global or local climatic change, and contributions on modelling and forecasting of wind waves and applications to practical cases are strongly encouraged.