
Floods, flash floods and related hydrological processes: modelling, forecasting, risks and global and climate change effects
Conveners: Athanasios Loukas , Marco Borga 
 / Thu, 09 Jun, 11:15–16:30  / Room Sala Lipari
 / Attendance Thu, 09 Jun, 18:00–19:00  / Display Thu, 09 Jun, 09:00–19:00  / Sala Stromboli & Sala Vulcano

Flooding is a major natural hazard in the Mediterranean basin, with expectations to worsen in the future as a response to global temperatures increase and environmental changes. During the last 15 years, there have been several flood policy developments but there remain significant challenges for the development and implementation of approaches that are consistent with aims of long-term adaptation and risk management. In this framework, improving the relevant observations, understanding, modelling, and forecasting and risk management requires multi-disciplinary approaches as well as innovative measurements and modelling approaches, as Mediterranean floods often occur in ungauged basins. This session aims to review state-of-the-art advances and approaches on the hydrometeorological flood modeling and forecasting chain and on the flood risk management under environmental changes, including: i) understanding and predicting the physical processes occurring during floods, ii) monitoring, modelling, forecasting and warning of floods and flash floods on different scales, iii) identification, management and communication of uncertainties, iv) documentation and impacts of recent flood events, v) impacts of environmental and climate change on future floods and to evaluate the uncertainties in measurement data and modelling, vi) transformations relating to flooding across policy, civil society, and politics.