Building with nature (additional Session)
Convenor: Pavel Kabat  | Co-Convenor: Erik van Slobbe 
 / Fri, 17 Sep, 08:30–11:00  / Room Agathe-Lasch-Lecture Room

Inhabitants of delta's in the world are developing strategies to cope with sea level rise and the risk of surge-induced floods. An alternative for technology driven strategies like defense structures such as dikes or dams is increasing coastal resilience by making use of the natural dynamics of sediments and bioengineers. These innovative strategies provide conditions for the creation of wetlands and flood plains capable to follow the rising sea level and thus maintain security against floods, ecological values and human functions.
This session will present experiences with Building with Nature innovations in several delta’s of the world. And it will call upon participants to share and compare experiences of Building with Nature innovations. You are invited to join us in discussions and to join the Delta Alliance. This alliance aims at connecting delta’s in the world to create a platform for experiences, innovations and knowledge creation.

The session will be organized by the Wadden Academy (contact person: Tim van Oijen) and LOICZ/GKSS.