Supporting Storm Surge Applications Using Satellite Data (additional Session)
Convenor: Craig Donlon  | Co-Convenor: Boram Lee 
 / Mon, 13 Sep, 15:30–18:00  / Room Agathe-Lasch-Lecture Room
 / Attendance Wed, 15 Sep, 10:30–13:00  / Poster Session: 'Topic Islands'

Storm surge and coastal inundation forecasting and warning systems depend on the crosscutting cooperation of different scientific disciplines and user communities. An integrated approach to storm surge, wave, sea-level and flood forecasting offers an optimal strategy for building improved forecast and warning capability for coastal inundation. Advanced information products from Earth Observation missions has the potential to improve storm surge applications in several areas. This session aims to review the application of advanced information products from Earth Observation missions in storm surge applications covering both tropical and extra-tropical storm surges around the world. Research and operational requirements for remotely sensed parameters (e.g. winds, sea height anomaly) including calibration will be a key issue for the discussion.