

Palaeoclimate records from speleothems: analytical techniques, proxies, and application
Convener: Dirk Hoffmann  | Co-Convener: Denis Scholz 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 04 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room 41
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 04 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Display Mon, 04 Apr, 08:00–19:30  / Hall A

Speleothems are increasingly used as archives for palaeoclimate because they are accurately dateable, contain multiple geochemical proxies, and are often remarkably well-preserved. Records obtained from speleothems globally have contributed significantly to the understanding and timing of past climate variability. The growing speleothem research community has made substantial efforts to improve analytical techniques, better our understanding of established proxies, and to develop new proxies. For this session we welcome any contributions that apply speleothem-based geochemical records to unravel past climate change that occurred on any timescale or anywhere in the world, as well as any studies that help clarify the interpretation of these types of records.

In particular, we appreciate contributions on:
• the development, analysis, and application of novel speleothem proxies
• dating speleothems and the development of speleothem age models
• investigation and understanding of cave processes and their influence on speleothem climate proxies
• modelling of speleothem proxies and their relationship to climate parameters