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From the river system to the lab: Sediment transport through the scales (co-organized)
Convener: Laure Guerit  | Co-Conveners: Guilhem Amin Douillet , Belinda Bates , Francois Metivier , Patric Jacobs , Christopher Paola 
 / Fri, 17 Apr, 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Fri, 17 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Understanding how sediments are eroded, transported and deposited by rivers is of fundamental importance to unravel the palaeo-climate and palaeo-tectonic information contained in stratigraphic series. The session aims to highlight through targeted and global studies the whole life cycle of river sediments, through the catchment basin, down to floodplain and the marine limit.

Experiments can be designed to test models with a variety of applications. Well-controlled experiments deliver an additional wealth of information and help to a better understanding of the processes involved in landscapes evolution, sedimentary basins, and down to the scale of grain transport.

The session welcomes contributions on field studies and laboratory experiments that contribute to the development of knowledge of processes at work in fluvial sedimentology, stratigraphy and morphodynamics, from mountain streams and torrents to the watersheds and marine sinks.