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What is Inside? Planetary Interiors as Viewed From Space
Conveners: Mioara Mandea , Özgür Karatekin , Tilman Spohn 
 / Fri, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:00

Recent progress in our understanding of the Earth's and other planetary interiors has substantially profited from space observations of high accuracy, new modeling techniques and improved interpretation tools. This session aims to compile progress in our knowledge of planetary deep interiors using observation from space. New results of space observation and their interpretation will be presented and reviewed in the light of our current understanding of related processes on Earth, Earth-like planets and other planetary bodies. Structure, dynamics and evolution of planetary interiors and their interactions with surfaces and atmospheres are of interest on a broad range of time and spatial scales.

We solicit contributions using a wide variety of methods and study targets, including Earth, Earth-like planets, satellites, asteroids and comets, with an emphasis on multi-disciplinary contributions to proceed towards an integrated, self-consistent picture of planetary internal structures and their dynamics and to help understanding their overwhelming complexity.