EPSC2013-858 Aqueous Minerals on Early Mars from CRISM, OMEGA, THEMIS and TES B.L. Ehlmann, C.S. Edwards, and L. Pan
EPSC2013-1089 Constraints on the crystal chemistry of Martian clays from infrared spectroscopy of analogue materials J. Michalski, J. Cuadros, V. Dekov, J. L. Bishop, S. Fiore, and D. Dyar
EPSC2013-411 Phyllosilicates and nanophase aluminosilicates at Mawrth Vallis and their geochemical implications J. L. Bishop and E. Rampe
EPSC2013-511 Habitable paleoenvironments preserved in pedogenically altered clay-rich sediments at Mawrth Vallis, Mars B. Horgan, J. A. Kahmann-Robinson, J. L. Bishop, and P. Christensen
EPSC2013-621 The Skouriotissa mine: a new terrestrial analogue for hydrated mineral formation on Early Mars N. Bost, C. Ramboz, F. Foucher, and F. Westall
EPSC2013-652 Evidences of hydrothermal processes from phyllosilicates and carbonates assemblages in Martian crustal outcrops. B. Bultel, C. Quantin, M. Andreani, and H. Clenet
Coffee Break
EPSC2013-869 Mineralogical and stratigraphic record of surface to near-surface clay formation on early Mars J. Carter, D. Loizeau, N. Mangold, F. Poulet, and J.P. Bibring
EPSC2013-445 Aqueous deposition and alteration in Coprates Catena, Mars: Fans and phyllosilicates P. M. Grindrod, N. H. Warner, D. E. J. Hobley, C. Schwartz, and S. Gupta
EPSC2013-96 Soils and weathering processes in Antarctic Dry Valleys P. Englert, J. L. Bishop, S. Patel, E. K. Gibson, and C. Koeberl
EPSC2013-344 The nakhlite alteration and habitability - mobility and quantification of essential elements S. P. Schwenzer and J. C. Bridges
EPSC2013-702 Leachates formed carbonates in ALH84001 and on early Mars M. Melwani Daswani, M. M. Grady, S. P. Schwenzer, and I. P. Wright
EPSC2013-235 Phyllosilicates and Amorphous Gel in the Nakhlites L.J. Hicks, J.C. Bridges, and S.J. Gurman