Poster Program EX1


Current Results from CoRoT, Kepler, & MOST Missions
Convener: H. Rauer  | Co-Convener: W. Borucki 
Oral Program
 / Thu, 12 Sep, 16:00–17:30  / Room Uranus - Chemistry C. Ingold Lecture Theatre
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 12 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

Attendance Time: Thursday, 12 September 2013, 17:45–19:15
Poster Area
EPSC2013-215 | presentation
Studying the Sun's radial velocity jitter to improve low-mass exoplanet detections
R.D. Haywood, A.C. Cameron, D. Queloz, R. Fares, J. Llama, M. Deleuil, M. Gillon, A. Hatzes, A.F. Lanza, C. Lovis, C. Moutou, F. Pepe, D. Pollaco, D. Ségransan, and Y. Unruh

Re-observation of CoRoT-7b with CoRoT
S. C. C. Barros, M. Deleuil, J. Almenara, and R. Diaz and the CoRoT Team

SOPHIE and HARPS-N spectroscopy of Kepler transit candidates
A. Santerne, G. Hébrard, C. Moutou, F. Bouchy, R. F. Diaz, J.-M. Almenara, S. C. C. Barros, A. S. Bonomo, G. Bruno, C. Damiani, M. Deleuil, and G. Montagnier

Tidal forces and stability of circular and near-circular orbits of massive close-in planets: the CoRoT example
M. Pätzold and L. Carone