EPSC2013-734 The CoRoT transit candidate catalog S. Aigrain and M. Deleuil
EPSC2013-669 Validation of the smallest CoRoT candidates using PASTIS R.F. Díaz, J.M. Almenara, A. Santerne, C. Moutou, A. Lethuillier, M. Deleuil, F. Bouchy, G. Hébrard, and G. Montagnier
EPSC2013-161 The true stellar parameters of the Kepler target list R. Farmer, U. Kolb, and A.J Norton
EPSC2013-599 Detrending the long-term stellar activity and the systematics of the Kepler data with a non-parametric approach C. Danielski, T. Kacprzak, and G. Tinetti
EPSC2013-851 Planet Formation - What CoRoT tells us G. Wuchterl