Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


Characterising exoplanetary systems: the synergies between space telescopes and ground-based observatories
Co-Convener: Magali Deleuil 

In the last few years, a large amount of exoplanets have been characterised thanks to strong synergies between space-based telescopes and ground-based observatories. Many techniques has been used from the ground to study and characterise space-borne exoplanet detections such as high-resolution spectroscopy, broad- and narrow-band photometry, high-resolution imaging, interferometry, etc ... On the other hand, space-based telescopes have been used, for example, to search for transit of exoplanets detected by ground-based spectrographs. Next-generation space missions and ground-based instrumentations will strongly benefit from this synergy to characterise exoplanets to an unprecedented precision. This synergy is very important to fully characterise exoplanetary systems that are then used to constrain theories of formation, migration and evolution. The goal of this session is to present all the exoplanet studies that made use of this synergy as well as the prospectives for the characterisation of exoplanetary systems with future space- and ground-based telescopes.