Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Room 15
Chairperson: Witold Krajewski
EGU2009-10335 Challenges and Opportunities in Physically-Based Downscaling of Rainfall - Toward Hydrological Consequence
A. P. Barros, X. Sun, and B. Mackey
EGU2009-950 The concept of runoff elements as a basis of scale-free approach to runoff formation modelling – the experience of the model “Hydrograph” development and implementation Yu.B. Vinogradov and O. Semenova
EGU2009-12987 Scale-free systems organization as entropy competition
A. Sanchirico and M. Fiorentino
EGU2009-12898 Qualitative and quantitative study on drainage networks at laboratory scale
G. Oliveto, D. Palma, and A. Di Domenico
EGU2009-4608 Analysis of daily river flow fluctuations using empirical mode decomposition and arbitrary order Hilbert spectral analysis Y.X. Huang, F.G. Schmitt, Z.M. Lu, and Y.L. Liu
EGU2009-4726 The role of initial moisture on the runoff characteristics in the low and high mountains of Germany and Austria P. Chifflard, B. Zillgens, R. Kirnbauer, H. Zepp, and N. Tilch