EGU2009-14050 Introduction to Outreach and Education in the Cryosphere C de Jong
EGU2009-730 International Permafrost Field Courses in Siberia: the Synthesis of Research and Education D. Ablyazina, A. Boitsov, V. Grebenets, D. Kaverin, A. Klene, A. Kurchatova, E.M. Pfeiffer, A. Zschocke, N. Shiklomanov, and D. Streletskiy
EGU2009-14048 Field training for permafrost students in the cold-climate conditions M Leibman
EGU2009-14080 Education in cryosphere science for students and teachers at University of Helsinki M. Lepparanta
EGU2009-14047 Scientific Outreach for K-6 Students: The LTER Schoolyard Children's Book Series M. Williams and D. McKnight
EGU2009-13975 Documenting and Communicating the Dynamics of a Rapidly Changing Cryosphere Through the Use of Repeat Ground-Based, Airborne, and Space-Based Photography and Multispectral Imagery B. F. Molnia
EGU2009-14058 Glacial hazards: communicating the science and managing the risk J.M. Reynolds