Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 26
Chairperson: M. Poutanen
EGU2009-3048 Lateral viscosity variations in the mantle and their implications for GIA induced motions V. Klemann, Z. Martinec, E.R. Ivins, and D. Wolf
EGU2009-6552 Sea level curves, geoid rate and uplift rate from composite rheology in glacial isostatic adjustment modeling W. Van der Wal, P. Wu, H. Wang, and M.G. Sideris
EGU2009-5007 Constraining Shallow Low-Viscosity Zones by GOCE Gravity Observations B. Vermeersen, H. Schotman, P. Stocchi, P. Wu, M. Drury, and H. de Bresser
EGU2009-11776 Long- and Short-Time Scale Glacial Isostasy of the Antarctic Peninsula and Impact on GRACE Science E. R. Ivins, T. S. James, and X. Wu
EGU2009-4152 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment over Antarctica from combined GRACE and ICESat satellite data R.E.M. Riva, B.C. Gunter, L.L.A. Vermeersen, R.C. Lindenbergh, T. Urban, M.M. Helsen, J.L. Bamber, B.E. Schutz, R.S.W. van de Wal, and M.R. van den Broeke
EGU2009-7803 Current glacial isostatic adjustment in Iceland B. Lund and Th. Arnadottir