Composition and mineralogy of terrestrial planets and the Moon: new constraints from experiments, modelling, and space missions (co-sponsored by EAG) (co-organized)
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 17
Chairperson: Ruth Ziethe, Wim van Westrenen
EGU2009-4557 NanoSIMS on Carbonates: From the Solar Nebula to the Modern Coral Reef (EMU Research Excellence Medal Lecture)
A. Meibom
EGU2009-6536 Geochemistry of Venus: Progress, Prospects and New Missions
A. H. Treiman
EGU2009-9234 Modelling the thermo-chemical evolution of the interiors of Venus, Mars and Mercury
P. J. Tackley, T. Keller, M. Armann, and J. M. Aurnou
EGU2009-5731 Mars: Mineralogy of mafic-rich regions and implications for the crust evolution F. Poulet, N. Mangold, J.-P. Bibring, and Y. Langevin
EGU2009-5485 Towards self-consistent modelling of the Martian dichotomy: Coupled models of simultaneous core and crust formation T. Keller, G. Golabek, T. V. Gerya, and J. Connolly
EGU2009-11932 Core segregation mechanism and compositional evolution of terretrial planets N. Petford and T Rushmer
EGU2009-2390 Rheological controls on the terrestrial core formation mechanism G.J. Golabek, T.V. Gerya, R. Ziethe, B.J.P. Kaus, and P.J. Tackley
EGU2009-4660 The 410-km discontinuity: water fractionation in wadsleyite and consequences on the olivine-wadsleyite phase boundary in the Earth upper mantle F. Deon, M. Koch-Müller, D. Rhede, and S.M. Thomas
EGU2009-1213 Eutectic propeties of primitive Earth’s magma ocean G. Lo Nigro, D. Andrault, N. Bolfan-Casanova, and J.-P. Perillat