Monday, 20 April 2009
Room 32
Chairperson: Marco Borga
EGU2009-4300 The inter- and intra-event rain dropsize distribution variability of intense rain events in the Cevennes-Vivarais region, France.
N. Yu, P. Hazenberg, B. Boudevillain, G. Delrieu, and R. Uijlenhoet
EGU2009-3209 Rainfall estimation in the context of post-event flash flood analysis
L. Bouilloud, G. Delrieu, and B. Boudevillain
EGU2009-4584 {Synoptic ingredients associated to flash flood producing storms} S. Anquetin, N. Yu, and B. Hingray
EGU2009-3748 Seasonality analysis of hydrological characteristics and flash flood events in Greece
A. G. Koutroulis and I. K. Tsanis
EGU2009-8550 Recent flash flood disaters in Japan, examples of flash floods caused by localized rainstorms T. Yamakoshi, J. Matsuda, and K. Tamura
EGU2009-1313 Towards flash flood prediction in the dry Dead Sea region utilizing radar rainfall information E. Morin, Y. Jacoby, S. Navon, and E. Bet-Halachmi
EGU2009-4605 Runoff generation and sensitivity to antecedent soil moisture conditions for a major flash flood event. E.I. Nikolopoulos, E.N. Anagnostou, M. Borga, and A. Papadopoulos
EGU2009-8334 Characterisation of flash floods based on analysis of extreme European events L. Marchi, G. Blöschl, M. Borga, G. Delrieu, E. Gaume, P. Samuels, D. Sempere-Torres, G. Stancalie, J. Szolgay, and I. K. Tsanis
EGU2009-5530 Value of distributed post-flood maximum discharge estimation for the evaluation of a regional flash-flood modelling approach I. Braud, C. Manus, S. Anquetin, P. Viallet, J.D. Creutin, E. Gaume, and C. Manus
EGU2009-11936 Return period estimation of extraordinary flash flood events in Slovakia: regional frequency analysis using a Bayesian MCMC approach L. Gaál, E. Gaume, A. Viglione, J. Szolgay, and G. Blöschl
EGU2009-7599 About the advantage of combining hydrological now-casting with a vulnerability analysis to improve risk alerts in flash flood prone area P.-A. Versini, C. Carles, and D. Velasco
EGU2009-8439 Catchment dynamics and social response during flash floods
J.D. Creutin, C. Lutoff, I. Ruin, A. Scolobig, and L. Créton-Cazanave