Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 18
Chairperson: M.G. Pereira and M. Wotton
EGU2009-13010 Extreme Forest Fire Behaviour and its Potential Damage to the Environment and to SocietyPress & Media DX Viegas
EGU2009-13823 Using MSG/SEVIRI data for detection and monitoring of fire events over the Iberian Peninsula M Amraoui, R Libonati, T Calado, CC DaCamara, and MG Pereira
EGU2009-11548 The Meteorological and Fire Extremes of California 2008 T. Brown, J. Abatzoglou, and J. Snook
EGU2009-6153 Climate variability and wildfire risk and occurrence in northern Spain JC GARCIA CODRON, D RASILLA, C DIEGO, and V CARRACEDO
EGU2009-13659 Adapting fire management to future fire regimes: impacts on boreal forest composition and carbon balance in Canadian National Parks WJ De Groot, MD Flannigan, and A Cantin
EGU2009-2179 Global wildland fire and climate changePress & Media M. Flannigan, M. Krawchuk, W. de Groot, M. Wotton, and L. Gowman