Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Room 15
Chairperson: R.M. Lark
EGU2009-646 Percolation theory and connectivity of multiscale porous media
e. perrier and n. bird
EGU2009-8342 Root growth and uptake dynamics under different drip-irrigation strategies A. Furman and S. Assouline
EGU2009-2145 Modelling fungal growth in heterogeneous soil: analyses of the effect of soil physical structure on fungal community dynamics
R. Falconer, P. Radoslow, D. Grinev, and W. Otten
EGU2009-3110 Coupling between hydrology in unsaturated porous media and geochemical models R. Chassagne, P. Lecroart, H. Beaugendre, and P. Anschutz
EGU2009-11068 Evolution of the spherical cavity radius generated around a subsurface emitter M. Gil, L. Rodriguez-Sinobas, R. Sanchez, and L. Juana
EGU2009-3189 Entropy, non-linearity and hierarchy in ecosystems
T. Addiscott
EGU2009-5234 Porous Soil as Complex Network
R. M. Benito, A. Santiago, J.P. Cárdenas, A. M. Tarquis, F. Borondo, and J. C. Losada
EGU2009-4553 Random spatial processes and geostatistical models for soil variables
R.M. Lark
EGU2009-10407 Multifractal analysis of topography: a case study at the regional scale E. VIDAL VÁZQUEZ, R. GARCÍA MORENO, A. PAZ GONZÁLEZ, and J.G.V. MIRANDA
EGU2009-8976 Bayesian calibration as a tool for initialising the carbon pools of dynamic soil models J. YELURIPATI, Marcel Oijen, Martin Wattenbach, and Pete Smith
EGU2009-6470 Monitoring the soil degradation by Metastatistical Analysis
K. Oleschko, C. Gaona, and A. Tarquis
EGU2009-5943 Mathematical model to select the optimal alternative for an integral plan to fight against desertification and erosion in the Chaco area in Salta Province of Argentine J M Anton, J B Grau, F Colombo, L de los Rios, and A M Tarquis