Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 7
Chairperson: D. BROWN, C. ESTABROOK
Overview and Seismo-Acoustic Technologies
EGU2009-13825 Technical status of the International Monitoring System for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty P. Grenard
EGU2009-8763 Seismic aftershock monitoring for on-site inspection purposes. Experience from Integrated Field Exercise 2008.
P. Labak, R. Arndt, and M. Villagran
EGU2009-5192 Seismo-acoustic analysis of explosions observed in Norway and the temporal variations in the state of the upper atmosphere
L.G. Evers, S.J. Gibbons, T. Kvaerna, and D.G. Simons
EGU2009-2878 Analysis of the IDC Reviewed Event Bulletin for Detection Capability Estimation of the IMS Primary and Auxiliary Seismic Stations T. Kværna and F. Ringdal
EGU2009-2154 Regional and teleseismic shear-wave radiation feature of underground nuclear explosions and its implications for shear-wave excitation mechanisms T.-K. Hong
Radionuclide Technology and Atmospheric Sciences
EGU2009-11561 Subsurface Xenon Migration by Atmospheric Pumping Using an Implicit Non-Iterative Algorithm for a Locally 1D Dual-Porosity Model R. Annewandter and M.B. Kalinowksi
EGU2009-9749 Understanding radioxenon isotopical ratios originating from radiopharmaceutical facilities P.R.J. Saey, A. Ringbom, T.W. Bowyer, A. Becker, L.-E. De Geer, M. Nikkinen, and R.F. Payne
EGU2009-8807 Source location for the CTBTO-WMO exercise 2008 and resolution of meteorological fields P. Seibert and P. Skomorowski
EGU2009-7951 Monitoring of reported sudden emission rate changes of major radioxenon emitters in the northern and southern hemispheres in 2008 to assess their contribution to the respective radioxenon backgrounds P.R.J. Saey, M. Auer, A. Becker, S. Colmanet, E. Hoffmann, M. Nikkinen, C. Schlosser, and M. Sonck
EGU2009-12580 Application of the standard spectrum method for radioxenon spectrum analysis M. Zähringer, W. Plenkers, and M. Nikkinen