/ Attendance Mon, 20 Apr, 10:30–12:00
/ Poster Area BG
Monday, 20 April 2009
Room 22
EGU2009-12811 Surface response to monsoon : a Sahelian ecohydrology case study N. Boulain, D. Ramier, J. Demarty, B. Cappelaere, S. Fontaine, O. Halilou, B.A. Issoufou, M. Boucher, J. Seghieri, and F. Timouk
EGU2009-10643 Evapotranspiration from lowland native shrubland ecosystems in Nevada J.A. Arnone, R.L. Jasoni, J.D. Larsen, L.F. Fenstermaker, and G. Wohlfahrt and the DRI ET team
Effects of the presence and type of vegetation (planted trees, natural herbaceous cover and combination of both) in a dry area on runoff and annual water balances(withdrawn) P. Berliner, T. Merzer, and O Khassawneh
EGU2009-7497 Calibration of a lumped nitrogen model in a Mediterranean forested catchment named Fuirosos, (Catalonia). C. Medici, A. Butturini, S. Bernal, F. Sabater, M. Martin, A. Wade, and F. Frances
EGU2009-8683 Indicators of grazing impact in Inner Mongolian steppe ecosystems B. Blank, L. Breuer, K. Butterbach-Bahl, and H.-G. Frede
EGU2009-3298 Integrating hydrology and biogeochemistry in drylands: the Kalahari Transect as a model ecosystem L. Wang, K. Caylor, S. Macko, and H. Shugart