EGU2009-1031 Measurements of OH and HO2 Radicals and OH Reactivity at Tropical Locations Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy K.L. Furneaux, L.K. Whalley, P. Edwards, A. Goddard, T. Ingham, M.J. Evans, and D.E. Heard
EGU2009-5852 Understanding HOx in the African Tropical Troposphere R. Commane, C. Floquet, T. Ingham, D. E. Heard, D. Stone, and M. J. Evans
EGU2009-11683 In situ glyoxal measurements in rural settings: loss processes, biogenic contribution and model - measurement comparison
A.J. Huisman, J.B. Gilman, M. McKay, B. LaFranchi, J.D. Crounse, L.H. Mielke, J. Mao, N.C. Bouvier-Brown, D. Matross, and F.N. Keutsch and the BEARPEX/PROPHET team
EGU2009-465 Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Photooxidation of Naphthalene S. Zhou, Y. Chen, and J. Wenger
EGU2009-2620 Water vapor enhancement of the HNO3 yield in the HO2 + NO reaction and its impact on the atmospheric composition
N. Butkovskaya, A. Kukui, and G. Le Bras
EGU2009-2868 Heterogeneous uptake of HO2 by aerosols: Quantifying the chemical indirect effect of aerosols on climate H. Macintyre, M. Evans, K. Carslaw, and C. Johnson
EGU2009-3116 β-Pinene Oxidation Mechanism Investigation using Online Mass Spectrometric Measurements J. Auld, J. Bennett, and D.R. Hastie
EGU2009-5794 Branching ratios between the abstraction and addition channels in the reactions of OH radicals with monoterpenes C. Rio, J.C. Loison, F. Caralp, P.M. Flaud, and E. Villenave
EGU2009-8963 New Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) for H atom abstraction branching ratio for OH reaction with alkenes and dienes J.-C. Loison, C Rio, F. Caralp, P-M Flaud, and E. Villenave
EGU2009-13131 Rate and pathways for the reaction of OH with the biogenic p-cymene, an alkylated aromatic
R. Strekowski, M.-T. Rayez, J.-C. Rayez, and C. Zetzsch
EGU2009-11773 Quantum mechanical study of (PAN) BrCH2C(O)OONO2 G.D. Chamalis and A. M. Kosmas