Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 13
Chairperson: Louis François
EGU2009-5134 Cenozoic Climate Change: Geochemical Proxy Records from Deep Ocean Sediments
K. Billups and N. Venti
EGU2009-4339 Linking glaciation and carbon cycle perturbations at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary
A. Merico, T. Tyrrell, and P.A. Wilson
EGU2009-5817 A budget of the Himalayan orogenesis on the Global Carbon Cycle
C. France-Lanord, V. Galy, L. A. D. Derry, M. J. Evans, and M. Lupker
EGU2009-2715 Did the opening of the Drake Passage play a significant role in Cenozoic cooling? Z. Zhang, K.H Nisancioglu, F. Flatøy, M. Bentsen, I. Bethke, and H. Wang
EGU2009-9686 Variability in surface water properties of the southeastern South Atlantic Ocean related to the Miocene Cooling Events, evidence from calcareous dinoflagellate cysts. S. Heinrich, K.A.F. Zonneveld, and H. Willems
EGU2009-5407 Middle Miocene climate and vegetation modelling with PLASIM and CARAIB A-J. Henrot, L. François, G. Munhoven, E. Favre, and M. Butzin