EGU2009-3560 Central Arctic Atmospheric SO2 pollution from smelters: Airborne detection and Arctic Haze formation F. Arnold, R. Nau, T. Jurkat, H. Schlager, A. Minikin, A. Dörnbrack, L. Pirjola, and A. Stohl
EGU2009-3299 Aerosol Chemical and Physical Properties Over an Ice-Free Region of the Arctic During the International Chemistry Experiment in the Arctic LOwer Troposphere (ICEALOT) T.S. Bates, P.K. Quinn, D. Coffman, D.S. Covert, J.F. Burkhart, and L.M. Russell
EGU2009-11368 Climate-relevant aerosols in the Alaskan Arctic in 2008: Characteristics, sources, transport, and removal C. Brock and the ARCPAC Science
EGU2009-5576 Pollution impacts on Arctic O3 and CO distributions during POLARCAT summer campaign. M. Pommier, K.S Law, C. Clerbaux, S. Turquety, H. Schlager, G. Ancellet, J-D. Paris, and NASA ARCTAS data team
EGU2009-4526 Source region identification of short-lived pollutants in the Arctic troposphere, and their seasonal and long-term evolvement, using LPDM output and measurement data D. Hirdman, J.F. Burkhart, S. Eckhardt, H. Sodemann, and A. Stohl
EGU2009-9891 Black carbon in the atmosphere and deposition on snow, last 130 years R. B. Skeie, T. Berntsen, G. Myhre, C. Pedersen, S. Gerland, J. Ström, and S. Forsström