Thursday, 23 April 2009
Room 20
Chairperson: R. Bingham
EGU2009-8990 Direct exploration of subglacial drainage systems D. Benn and J. Gulley
EGU2009-3855 Field observations of subglacial processes beneath an Antarctic polythermal glacier S. Fitzsimons, S. Mager, D. Samyn, and R. Lorrain
EGU2009-9624 Correlation between surface glacier motion and subglacial pressure, Engabreen, Norway. M. Jackson
EGU2009-11018 The first comparison of measured and modelled water-flow speeds during the onset of a glacial lake outburst flood M. Werder and M. Funk
EGU2009-1054 Glacier sliding reduced by persistent drainage from a subglacial lake E. Magnússon, H. Björnsson, H. Rott, and F. Pálsson
EGU2009-1088 Geophysical characterisation of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth, West Antarctica N. Ross, A.M. Smith, J. Woodward, M.J. Siegert, H.F.J. Corr, E.C. King, R.C.A. Hindmarsh, and D.G. Vaughan
EGU2009-586 Isotopic variability in the deepest Vostok (East Antarctica) ice core suggests not perfect mixing of Lake Vostok water A.A. Ekaykin and V.Ya. Lipenkov
EGU2009-11978 Dry-wet bedrock interface detection by radio echo sounding measurements A. Zirizzotti, C. Cafarella, S. Urbini, I. E. Tabacco, J.A. Baskaradas, C. Bianchi, and M. Mangialetti
EGU2009-13304 Towards an observation-based deterministic model for water motion beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet Interior. S. Carter, H.A. Fricker, and D.D. Blankenship
EGU2009-5412 Bedrock structure and the interpretation of palaeo ice stream footprints: examples from the Pleistocene British Ice Sheet M. Krabbendam and T. Bradwell
EGU2009-9115 Tunnel-valley formation by catastrophic outbursts during the last deglaciation in SW Scandinavia N. K. Larsen, C. F. Krohn, P. Sandersen, K. L. Knudsen, C. Kronborg, O. B. Nielsen, and E. Auken
EGU2009-11059 Future ice ages and the challenges related to final disposal of nuclear waste: The Greenland Ice Sheet Hydrology Project A. Lehtinen, L. Claesson-Liljedahl, J-O. Näslund, and T. Ruskeeniemi