Thursday, 23 April 2009
Room 23
Chairperson: Moreira
EGU2009-2187 The global range of subduction zone thermal models: consequences for slab devolatilization P.E. van Keken, E.M. Syracuse, G.A. Abers, and K.M. Fischer
EGU2009-6514 Evidence for the presence of variably dehydrated recycled subducted oceanic lithosphere in sources along the Reykjanes Ridge and implications for the mantle water cycle A.R.L. Nichols, C.G. Macpherson, R.J. Wysoczanski, and M.R. Carroll
EGU2009-9394 Raman determination of C concentration in silicate melt under pressure: carbon solubility in MORB and mantle melting scenario P. Sarda, E. Chamorro, D. Neuville, N. Sator, B. Guillot, and A. San Miguel
EGU2009-11985 Halogen behaviours during andesitic magma degassing: from magma chamber to volcanic plume
H. Balcone-Boissard, B. Villemant, G. Boudon, and A. Michel
EGU2009-12243 Chlorine and Fluorine partition coefficients between basalt and harzburgite at mantle wedge conditions - Geochemical implications. C. Dalou, K. T. Koga, and N. Shimizu
EGU2009-13713 Are light δ13C diamonds derived from preserved primordial heterogeneity or subducted organic carbon? Using numerical modelling of multi-component mass balanced mixing of stable isotopes S. Mikhail, AP Jones, S. Robinson, HJ Milledge, and AB Verchovsky