Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 30
Chairperson: M. Kirkby
EGU2009-3619 Water Resources in the Lake Chad Basin, Assesment, Uses and Social Organizations P. Genthon, F. Sylvestre, and G. Favreau and the LAKE CHAD PROJECT TEAM
EGU2009-10686 Modelling surface runoff and water productivity in small dryland watersheds with water-harvesting interventions, an application from Jordan A. Bruggeman, S. Akroush, M. Mudabber, F. Ziadat, and T. Oweis
EGU2009-5517 Environmental impacts on the hydrology of ephemeral streams and alluvial aquifers C. Kuells, V. Marx, A. Bittner, R. Ellmies, and M. Seely
EGU2009-10805 A new method for calibration of groundwater models in data-scarce areas, with an application to a semi-arid catchment in northwest Syria E. Luijendijk and A. Bruggeman
EGU2009-11391 Process studies of water percolation in a Mediterranean karst area J. Lange, Y. Arbel, N. Greenbaum, and T. Grodek