Linking hydrology to hydraulic engineering and designing of river engineering works (Co-sponsored by the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR))
Monday, 20 April 2009
Room 33
Chairperson: Attilio Castellarin
EGU2009-3420 Forecasting approaches to the Mekong River
E.J. Plate
EGU2009-3039 Improving a stage forecasting Muskingum model by relating local stage and remote discharge S. Barbetta, T. Moramarco, F. Melone, and L. Brocca
EGU2009-7780 How accounting for transient catchment hydrology in the design of river engineering works ?
R. Rosso, D. Bocchiola, and M.C. Rulli
EGU2009-9618 Detection of changes in design discharges due to river engineering works by multilinear flow routing J. Szolgay, M. Danáčová, and P. Šúrek
EGU2009-10472 Spatial distributed hydrological-hydraulic modelling as a basis for the evaluation of flood mitigation measures in a large alpine catchment B. Gems, St. Achleitner, M. Huttenlau, A. Thieken, and M. Aufleger
EGU2009-11338 An assessment of flood mitigation measures - “room for the river J. Komma, G. Blöschl, and C. Habereder
EGU2009-10106 A semiprobabilistic approach for the design of river routing reservoirs B. Bacchi, M. Balistrocchi, and G. Grossi
EGU2009-8027 Should we use peak discharge or hydrograph volume and shape in the probabilistic design of dam spillways? A. Sordo, A. Jiménez, L. Garrote, and F. Martín-Carrasco