Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 17
Chairperson: H.J. Reichmann
EGU2009-12520 Constraints on upper mantle rheology from modeling of plate motions with fully 3D visco-elasto-plastic lithosphere S.V. Sobolev, A. Popov, and B. Steinberger
EGU2009-9128 Experimental Deformation of Olivine Crystals at Mantle P and T: Evidences for a Pressure-Induced Slip Transition and Implications for Upper-Mantle Seismic Anisotropy and Low Viscosity Zone P. Raterron, J. Chen, T. Geenen, and J. Girard
EGU2009-10366 A model of grainsize evolution in a convecting mantle A. Rozel and Y. Ricard
EGU2009-5157 Role of phase changes on the pattern of upper mantle flow beneath mid-oceanic ridges Z. Zarifi and R. S. Huismans
EGU2009-9460 Effect of upper mantle inhomogeneities on the amplitudes of body waves: consequences for the interpretation of deep earth structure H. Tkalcic, V. F. Cormier, and B. L. N. Kennett
EGU2009-8454 Seismic Evidence of Localized Distribution of Fluids or Melts in the Mantle Transition Zone F. TAJIMA and T. NAKAGAWA
EGU2009-1824 Transient Layering in Earth’s Mantle M. Wolstencroft and J. H. Davies
EGU2009-10390 Thermal versus elastic heterogeneity in high-resolution mantle circulation models with pyrolite composition: High plume excess temperatures in the lowermost mantle B. S. A. Schuberth, H.-P. Bunge, and G. Steinle-Neumann
EGU2009-6884 Is composition a critical dynamical element of mantle convection? J H Davies, D R Davies, and M W Wolstencroft
EGU2009-7401 The temporal evolution of a subducting plate in the lower mantle C. Loiselet, D. Grujic, J. Braun, P. Fullsack, C. Thieulot, and P. Yamato
EGU2009-13553 The role of a high viscosity hill in the lower mantle on the fate of subducting slabs G. Morra, D.A. Yuen, C. Philippe, P. Koumoutsakos, L. Boschi, and P.J. Tackley
EGU2009-7466 Effects of low post-perovskite viscosity on thermal-chemical-phase structures and heat flow across the CMB T. Nakagawa and P. Tackley