Monday, 20 April 2009
Room 33
Chairperson: J. Vanderborght
EGU2009-13176 Dynamic capillary pressure, hysteresis and gravity-driven fingering in porous media
O. Glidewell and G. Sander
EGU2009-6202 Estimation and analysis of soil hydraulic properties through infiltration experiments: test of BEST method X. Xu, G. Kiely, and C. Lewis
EGU2009-683 Midlatitude soil moisture: an experimental and modeling analysis M. Baudena, I. Bevilacqua, D. Canone, S. Ferraris, M. Previati, and A. Provenzale
EGU2009-6753 Effective hydraulic properties on a highly heterogeneous soil horizon A. Samouëlian, I. Cousin, A. Frison, and G. Richard
EGU2009-7671 Soil moisture estimation with limited soil characterization for decision making A. Chanzy, G. Richard, H. Boizard, and P. Défossez
EGU2009-10983 Vadose zone modelling as a tool to develop a generic framework for the re-use of soil or mineral waste onto soil I. Joris, M. Quaghebeur, K. Broos, P. Seuntjens, G. Van Gestel, L. Debaene, and D. Dedecker
EGU2009-9142 Continuous monitoring of water flow and solute transport using vadose zone monitoring technology O. Dahan
EGU2009-10033 Estimating travel times of recharge water through the unsaturated zone using a transfer function model S. Mattern and M. Vanclooster
EGU2009-6638 Dealing with uncertainty in pesticide fate model scenarios for pesticide registration. J. Vanderborght and A. Tiktak
EGU2009-2939 Impact of macroporosity on pesticide losses from tile-drained soils in the Netherlands A Tiktak, RFA Hendriks, and JJTI Boesten
EGU2009-10136 Modelling macropore flow on the basis of macropore geometry with SWAP R.F.A. Hendriks, J.J.T.I. Boesten, J.C. Van Dam, P. Groenendijk, A. Tiktak, and D.J.J. Walvoort
EGU2009-7237 Functional test of FOOTPRINT pedotransfer functions for the dual-permeability model MACRO J. MOEYS, N.J. JARVIS, F. STENEMO, J.M. HOLLIS, I.G. DUBUS, M. LARSBO, C.D. BROWN, R. BROMILOW, Y. COQUET, and P. VACHIER