Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 35
Chairperson: Bach/Ruepke
EGU2009-12090 The relationships between volcanism, tectonism and hydrothermal activity on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the equator C.W. Devey, C.R. German, K.M. Haase, K.S. Lackschewitz, B. Melchert, D. Connelly, and L.M. Parson
EGU2009-5441 Heat flux estimates from the Gakkel Ridge 85E vent field from the AGAVE 2007 expedition C. Stranne, P. Winsor, R. A. Sohn, and B. Liljebladh
EGU2009-6035 Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: Insights from 3D and Multiphase Simulations
D. Coumou, T. Driesner, P. Weis, and C.A. Heinrich
EGU2009-13212 Simulations of oceanic lithosphere serpentinization L. Ruepke, K. Iyer, and J. Phipps Morgan
EGU2009-12146 Implications of an ultramafic body in a basalt-dominated oceanic hydrothermal system on the vent fluid composition and on processes within sediments overlying a hydrothermal discharge zone: results of reactive-transport modeling P. Alt-Epping and L.W. Diamond
EGU2009-12245 Interactions between high-T hydrothermal fluids and mantle lithologies: evidence from the Oman fossilised spreading centre M. Python and S. Arai
EGU2009-9007 A Si-Cl geothermobarometer for the reaction zone of high-temperature, basaltic-hosted mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems F. J. Fontaine, W. S.D. Wilcock, and D. E. Foustoukos
EGU2009-11660 Seismic pumping and cataclastic flow - important transport mechanisms during hydration and metasomatism of the oceanic lithosphere H. Austrheim, H. Jung, and T. Prestvik
EGU2009-4966 Experimental constrain of hydrogen production during early serpentinization stages M. Clément, M. Munoz, O. Vidal, and T Parra
EGU2009-8131 Fe-Distribution and Hydrogen Generation During Serpentinization F. Klein, W. Bach, N. Jöns, T. McCollom, T. Berquó, and B. Moskowitz
EGU2009-4328 Calcium and strontium isotope (δ44/40Ca, δ88/86Sr) fractionation in high temperature hydrothermal systems: First insights from 4°48'S, MAR N. Augustin, A. Eisenhauer, M. Amini, D. Garbe-Schönberg, and A. Krabbenhöft
EGU2009-10797 The Mesozoic Larissa Ophicalcite-Serpentinite Association in Eastern Thessaly, Greece: Mineralogical, Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints for Rocks Formed in an Ocean-Continent Transition Setting V. Melfos, A. Magganas, P. Voudouris, and M. Kati