Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 32
Chairperson: H. Holländer
EGU2009-6496 Artificial Hillslopes at Biosphere 2: Exploring Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant Interactions in a Changing Environment L. Hopp, P. Troch, T. Huxman, C. Harman, S. Desilets, K. Dontsova, J. Chorover, S. Kling, J. Pelletier, C. Paniconi, V. Ivanov, D. Jenerette, M. Sivapalan, and J. McDonnell
EGU2009-1345 The artificial catchment ‘Chicken Creek’ (‘Huehnerwasser’) as a new research tool for hydrological and ecological studies W. Gerwin, W. Schaaf, and R.F. Hüttl
EGU2009-12178 The Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory for Embedded Sensing and Simulation C Duffy, K Davis, T Kane, and E Boyer
EGU2009-2128 TERENO – A new Network of Terrestrial Observatories for Environmental Research S. Zacharias, H.R. Bogena, H. Kunstmann, E. Priesack, P. Haschberger, O. Bens, P. Dietrich, H. Vereecken, H. Papen, H.P. Schmid, J.C. Munch, and I. Hajnsek
EGU2009-12620 Hydrological and glaciological measurements of a basin with a retreating glacier (BigLink field site in central Switzerland) J. Magnusson, T. Jonas, and D. Farinotti
EGU2009-9610 Modeling structures and patterns controlling the hydrology of an artificial catchment M. Hofer, P. Lehmann, M. Stähli, and M. Krafczyk