Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Room 19
Chairperson: Efi Foufoula-Georgiou
EGU2009-3211 Is there such a thing as a local scale?
D. Benson, J. Revielle, and Y. Zhang
EGU2009-5947 Real and apparent changes in sediment accumulation rates over time R. Schumer and D.J. Jerolmack
EGU2009-9922 Stochastic bedload transport in gravel bed streams : new insight from field data
F. Métivier, C. Narteau, E. Lajeunesse, Y. Liu, B. Ye, 0. Devauchelle, M. Tal, and P. Meunier
EGU2009-13592 The importance of gradients in particle activity during sediment transport: Insights from a probabilistic description of particle motions
D J Furbish
EGU2009-13594 Evidence for non-local (fractional) diffusive transport on hillslopes E Foufoula-Georgiou, V Ganti, and W E Dietrich
EGU2009-12208 Time subordination: a way forward for the closure problem in hydrologic prediction? C.J. Harman, D. M. Reeves, B. Baeumer, and M. Sivapalan