Monday, 20 April 2009
Room 2
Chairperson: Luis Samaniego
EGU2009-3552 The impact of large-scale forest disturbance on hydrology in Central British Columbia, Canada A. Wei and M. Zhang
EGU2009-12636 Has land-cover a really significant hydrological impact at the catchment-scale? V. Andréassian and L. Oudin
EGU2009-9506 Vegetation and water fluxes under Mediterranean mountain conditions. The Vallcebre research catchments (NE Spain) P. LLORENS, R. POYATOS, A. MUZYLO, C.M. RUBIO, J. LATRON, J. DELGADO, and F. GALLART
EGU2009-11100 Species-specific responses to drought have strong long-term consequences at the ecosystem scale A. Wolf, S. Leuzinger, and H. Bugmann
EGU2009-3933 Spatio-temporal variation in canopy and forest floor interception measurements and uncertainties A.M.J. Gerrits, L. Pfister, and H.H.G. Savenije
EGU2009-9409 Effects of tree shelterbelts on the hydrology of upland areas I. Solloway, Z.L. Frogbrook, B.M. Jackson, M.R. Marshall, N.M. McIntyre, B. Reynolds, H.S. Wheater, J. Chell, and B. Christen