Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 32
Chairperson: Bob Su, Yaoming Ma, Peter van Oevelen
EGU2009-10434 A protoype observation system for water resources in South - East Asia: ground and space measurements to support hydrological and atmospheric modeling of the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau
M. Menenti, L. Jia, and J. Colin
EGU2009-1674 Recent advances on the study of land-atmospheric interaction on the Tibetan Plateau Y. Ma
EGU2009-13675 ESA's Support To Science Element (STSE): A New Opportunity for the Science Community
D. Fernández Prieto and E.-A. Herland
Estimation of Land Surface Water and Energy Balance Closure Relation Using Conditional Sampling(withdrawn) L. Farhadi, D Entekhabi, and G Salvucci
EGU2009-9659 Drought monitoring and prediction by time series analysis of greenness and thermal anomalies at large scale L. Jia, J. Li, and M. Menenti
EGU2009-13676 The GEO Water Tasks: What do they address and accomplish?
P.J. van Oevelen, R.G. Lawford, and D Cripe